
Abandoned is an intriguing channel where two friends explore abandoned buildings, embark on ghost tours, and uncover the hidden histories of each location. Through detailed investigations and immersive storytelling, we reveal the mysteries and tales that these forgotten places hold. Join us on our adventures as we delve into the eerie and fascinating world of abandoned sites, sharing our discoveries and the unique stories behind them.

History Chronicles

History Chronicles is an enlightening channel where we delve into the rich tapestry of history. Two friends visit museums and engage with historians and experts to uncover the fascinating stories behind historical artifacts. Each episode is dedicated to bringing the past to life, providing viewers with in-depth insights and intriguing narratives about significant items and events. Join us on this journey as we explore the wonders of history, one artifact at a time.

The Hotel Review

The Hotel Review is a captivating series where two friends embark on a global quest to experience the worst hotels. From crumbling hostels to bizarre motels, we stay in the most notorious establishments and provide our honest, unfiltered reviews. Our mission is to uncover the truth behind the reputations of these infamous hotels, sharing our candid experiences and unique insights with our audience. Join us as we navigate the eccentric world of hospitality and offer an entertaining look at the lows of hotel stays.